Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pregnancy Picture Diary - the first 6 months

I guess I am one of those people who shows early when pregnant. Most people don't really show until they pass the 3-month mark, but my belly was already bloated by week 6, although I lost my appetite and didn't really eat much ever since I was pregnant. I didn't have any sugar or ice-cream cravings, and I certainly did not believe in "eating for two" thing. But I did stop going to gym at week 6. I did pilates with a personal trainer during the first month and my stomach cramped badly for a week so I stopped exercising. Before being pregnant, when I gained weight and saw my stomach getting bigger would freak me out; but seeing your belly getting rounder and protruding from pregnancy is entirely different. I think it is beautiful to see a mother-to-be's round belly. It's cute and I actually like it.

Being pregnant is wonderful, seeing your body changes its shape slowly everyday, seeing its capability to adjust and cope with the crazy hormonal and chemistry changes inside, and knowing its ability to return to (almost) normal after giving birth, it is truly awesome how God designs and creates human being. Everything is in an automatic mode, like a factory where every single part knows exactly what to do and how to work together with the others. We, human, don't have to know or do a single thing on how to create a living human being. How remarkable is that! 

Now, entering month 7, feeling the baby moves and kicks and seeing your belly moving and jolting, I am still as bewildered and as marveled to know there is a living being inside of me. As many mothers out there have been testifying, it is such a privilege to be a woman. Being able to be a part of life's most awesome miracle. I am truly blessed!

2 weeks - when history happens
Bower Museum, CA

4 months - starting to show
Carmel, CA

5 months - people stop asking and assume I am pregnant 

6 months - everything is round and round and round
Arcadia, CA


Alex and Betty said...

Aw, you look beautiful, Meliana. Thanks for sharing this journey with us. This is the next best thing, aside from being there with you all in LA :) xx

Melly said...

Thank you Betty..We are looking forward to see you two soon again! :)