Friday, February 27, 2009

DVD Review: Baby Human - Geniuses in Diapers

Baby Human is such an informative yet fun-to-watch educational program. This show explains why babies behave the way they do, what physical development or motor skills they can do at each milestones, what we can do as parents to help baby achieve that, etc.

The show is divided into several segments: To Talk, To Walk, To Think. Each segment educates viewers to understand the science behind an infant's development, both from the physiological and psychological perspectives. They also show experiments done by the leading universities to back up the findings, such as how baby learns about object permanence, color, 3 dimensional depth, etc.

If you like science and want to understand your baby better and also enjoy documentary-type show like Discovery Channel and the likes, you would love this DVD. I just found out they will release the Baby Human 2 that explores the mind of the baby, revealing how they think, communicate and observe. I am so excited, can't help it, it's the nerd in me :)

Highly recommended!

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