Friday, February 27, 2009

Baby Ultrasound Pictures

I am lucky that my OB has her own ultrasound machine at her office. So every time I come in for my monthly check-up, she gives me an ultrasound for free. It is not big but you can still hear the heartbeat and see the baby moving and all. 

Here are the two "best" ultrasound pictures of our baby. It is hard to make it, even for me hehe...

Baby's ultrasound pics at 10 weeks pregnancy (baby age 8 weeks)
Note: baby is upside down, look a bit like tadpole, you can see the big head and tiny limbs

Baby's ultrasound picture at 22 weeks pregnancy (baby age 20 weeks)
Note: just the head from side view


Anonymous said...

i'm sooo excited for the both of you, ling.. :D

Anonymous said...

btw, abt the baby names.. nice choices.. love Logan & Dean, but seem a little awkward when combined with the last name hehe.. i think the most compatible is Harrison Chow (sounds nice).. but then the baby would be called 'Harry'? uumm.. so ordinary ya? that's why i haven't voted yet.. :D

Melly said...

Heheh..thank you Ling...Harrison is actually Frank's choice and Logan and Dean are mine..we are thinking about adding middle name too. Man, this naming thing is really a headache..:P